Don't you love it when your students are all engaged in learning AND collaborating with each other?
Students are anxious to start this scavenger hunt! They love moving around the classroom and talking. I'm thrilled the discussion isn't about a YouTuber!
Twenty scavenger hunt questions and hints (see picture above) are posted around the room. Tape holds pages to light oak cupboards and the heavy steel door. Pages are easily seen around the room and are pinned to the wall or attached to the whiteboard with pineapple-shaped magnets. Angel and Jose focus and work together.
Sample science scavenger hunt page posted on a cupboard |
They choose a page to start at (they can start at any page in the room and they will end back at the same page at the end.) Angel and Jose have a lined piece of paper with Diffusion and Osmosis Scavenger Hunt as the title. In the top corner of the posted page, there is a #6 so both students write #6 on their lined papers. Jose reads the bottom section of the page which says, "With diffusion, particles move from areas of high concentration to ___." Angel and Jose scan the room for the answer to complete the sentence. Jose motions that "Low Concentration" fits and it is posted across the room on the whiteboard so they bolt over to it. This page is numbered #15 so under #6, they both add #15.
Angel reads the bottom of the page, "Diffusion continues until the particles are ____." The students aren't sure what the answer is so they look in their interactive science notebooks rereading their diffusion and osmosis sketch notes. Angel finds "evenly spread out" works as an answer and is on card #10. Angel and Jose continue to purposefully move around the room reviewing diffusion and osmosis while consulting their sketch notes.
I'm not joking, there are times when this is a reality in my classroom! Oh, this game is awesome so I repeat the process for each science unit. The first time you play, students will need a lot of modeling and encouragement but after that, they will know the routine.
Overview of Scavenger Hunt Review Games
For each set of sketch notes, I also create a scavenger hunt review game. Students LOVE these science games. You can make your own or purchase these separately or as a bundle. I would suggest getting a bundle so you have the sketch notes and game and you save 10%!
If you choose to purchase a single game, look at the preview to see the questions asked in the game to make sure it matches what you are teaching.
How to play the science scavenger hunt review game:
1. The pages last better if you laminate them. Post the pages around the room on walls, doors, and cupboards where students can see many at once.
2. Have students pair up and get a lined piece of paper. Students can start at any poster page. Students write down the number of the page they start at. They read the BOTTOM of the poster and look around the room for the answer on the TOP part of another poster. When they find the answer, they put the number of the page on their lined paper below their starting place. Each poster pager number is placed on a line below.
3. Students can come to check with you at any point to see if their answers are correct. Some students need a lot of encouragement that they are on the right track. Students will end at the poster they started at. This is a great review game and test prep because students must get the answer correct in order to complete the game.
How to Pair Students Up to Play
Here are 3 of my favorite ways to pair students for classwork:
1. Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up: Have students stand up and put their hand in the air. Play music and when the music stops, students pair up with the person closest to them by giving them a high 5. (Kagan Strategy) Students choose who will be A and B (or whatever you choose.) Student A gives student B a sincere compliment then student B gives student A a compliment.
2. I have 3x5 cards with student names on them. Pull a card and have the student come to choose a card without looking. The name on the card they draw is their partner. You can use popsicle sticks too.
3. Elbow or shoulder partners seated nearby
Get Students to Use Their Interactive Notebooks to Find Answers
Students will get stuck at some point and may come to you for answers. Let them know if they are correct or not but require them to find the answer in their interactive science notebook.
What do we have in our interactive science notebooks?
Guided sketch notes are a great way to reach all learners and I use them for every unit.
TIP: Remind students to take their interactive notebooks with them while playing the science scavenger hunt game because ALL of the answers are in their notes.
Once students understand the game and work to find the answers, you will get to watch the fruit of your labors as students collaborate and use their interactive science notebooks to find answers. Find bundles