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How To Make S'mores at School in the Microwave

Have you wanted to make s'mores in class but aren't sure how to do it? We finished a writing unit from EB Academics called Camp S'mores so we needed to wrap it up by making some yummy s'mores in the classroom. But how? Fortunately, I had a parent volunteer who knew the a great tip! Here is your recipe for 10 second s'mores made in the microwave!

Step #1: Prep by breaking a large graham cracker in half. Put each half on a separate paper plate. On one graham cracker half, place two squares of a Hershey's chocolate bar. This side doesn't go in the microwave. On the other graham cracker half, place a regular sized marshmallow. Place the plate with the graham cracker and marshmallow in the microwave for 10 seconds. The marshmallow puffs up huge and it is fun to watch it fill with air through the window of the microwave.

Step #2: When you remove the marshmallow and graham cracker from the microwave, squish it onto the squares of Hershey's chocolate and other side of the graham cracker. The marshmallow is hot so it melts the chocolate perfectly. In no time, you have fast and easy s'mores right in the classroom or wherever you need them. Don't forget napkins, these are gooey deliciousness.

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