How do I teach students that organisms ultimately get their energy from the Sun in a simple and clear way? This was a question I asked as I worked to teach NGSS PS3-1 to my 5th graders. I love simple, visual notes that provide activities and clarity.
With some work and creativity, I created the Cycles of Matter & Flow of Energy Sketch Notes resource. This includes printable and digital notes for Google Classroom along with a printable and Google Forms self-grading quiz, and link to a Kahoot!
These notes begin with students choosing an animal and researching what the animals eats. Does the animal eat plants or other animals? The 2 page version is available for free on TPT. All five pages including the quiz, slide show, and Kahoot are available for purchase.
The color version is for Google Classrom. The prinable version is black and white.
Click Here for the freebie!In addition to five pages of notes, this resource comes with a slide show that guides students as they fill out the notes. It also comes with a link to a Kahoot, a printable quiz, and a self-grading quiz on Google forms. Who doesn't love a self-grading quiz?
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