This resource covers the standard: NGSS 5ESS2-1. I made a video preview for the paid resource. Click HERE

Earth's Spheres: A "How To" Video for Students
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
With distance learning, I have been using digital resources like every other teacher. I have also been learning a lot and today I created a How To video for my Earth's Spheres Digital Model resource for Google Classroom. I have a FREE version of this resource that includes one slide- Click HERE. I also have a paid version that includes four slides (desert, ocean, rainy forest, and a park with trees.) Click HERE
This resource covers the standard: NGSS 5ESS2-1. I made a video preview for the paid resource. Click HERE
This resource covers the standard: NGSS 5ESS2-1. I made a video preview for the paid resource. Click HERE