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Eddie the Eagle- Growth Mindset

I have always had the attitude that your outlook and drive to work hard can greatly enhance the outcome. My mom taught me to work hard and not say "can't." Now it has a name in education called "Growth Mindset." I think all of the terminology is education is ridiculous. I am a teacher and I have been in parent conferences as a parent and I didn't understand what my child's teacher was saying because of the educational jargon. Oh, don't even get me started on the acronyms... LEP, IEP, ELD, PBL, NCLB, CCSS, SBAC, SPED, ESL, GATE, NGSS...

The idea of the growth mindset is wonderful, the term bugs me, but I love the concept. Tonight we watched "Eddie the Eagle" about a man with passion and drive. Most thought he was crazy and he was but he was successful too. He reached his goals. This movie is PG-13 and I won't be showing it in class but I love the example of what passion and hard work can accomplish. Go Eddie!