448050911201448 Update1: Raspberry Pi Birdfeeder Camera | Polka Dots and Protons - Interactive Science Notebooks & More

Update1: Raspberry Pi Birdfeeder Camera

The bird feeder before we painted it.

Installing the sensor
This plate was hot glued to the inside top of the feeder so the sensor and camera point down to where the birds will be feeding.

We used tape to secure the raspberry pi in place.

We hooked up the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and power supply outside to type in the code to launch the camera program. The raspberry pi has to be plugged in to a power source. Once the code was typed in, the monitor and keyboard were brought inside.

Shawn taped down the extension cord since the raspberry pi needs to be plugged in.

Typing code to launch the program.

Adding bird seed to the feeder

We added a bird feeder bell next to our feeder since we haven't been feeding birds on the porch and wanted to encourage them to come.

Putting away the monitor and other electronics.

Our raspberry pi bird feeder camera is installed! Birds haven't come yet but we are excited! When I hear birds I run to the window to check to see if they have found the feeder yet. We have learned a lot but still have so much to learn. This has been our most complicated raspberry pi project so far. We will try some easy ones next. We couldn't get the wifi to work outside so we will have to bring down the feeder, remove the SD card, and put it into a computer to see the pictures.

Check out my previous post about taking the Raspberry Pi Bird feeder Camera class at Fab Lab.
Raspberry Pi Bird Camera

Ready for the birds!