It will take some research for students to internalize what the crosscutting concept they are reporting on is and be able to generalize the concept to other science topics. For the project, students will create a poster and give a presentation on their concept.
Here are some resources for the research part of this project.
Paul Andersen's Bozeman videos are great for teachers. They are a bit over students' heads but we watch them together and I point out highlights. I prep the kids, letting them know I only want them to get the overall idea. This is great to teach that watching videos multiple times for learning is helpful.
Link to Bozeman videos here- scroll down to Crosscutting Concepts.
Symbols for the Crosscutting Concepts- This is just for students to get ideas, I want them to come up with their own ideas.- Link here
Crosscutting Concepts explained in the NGSS framework. Link here