In August, I will begin my 4th year teaching at my current school. (I taught part-time when my kiddos were little.) When my sister was beginning her first year as a high school science teacher in another state and I wanted to share some of the top tips I have learned so I wrote them down. I hope these help you too!
TOP 7 Tips!
1. Notebook tips-
Each student has a spiral notebook (can usually get them for 10-50
cents at Walmart or Target before school and buy a handful). The first
week of school we make a title page with color and number all of the
pages. Students don't rip out pages and this notebook is ONLY for
science. A great intro. to notebooking is free on TPT (teachers
pay teachers) from Nitty Gritty Science. (FYI: I do not stick to the
rules they say for left & right sides it mentions.) I trim pages to
fit in notebooks with the paper cutter so we don't waste time cutting
in class (when possible). Remind me to teach you about foldables later. I
am working on using these more this year.
2. Scientific Summer is also one of the first week of school activities we do in our notebooks.The date is really really old on this, I just white it out before making copies for students or posting on Google classroom. Some of my students weren't even born in 2004. Ah!
3. Create-a-Graph web
site is really great and students can drag the graph in to the google
doc lab template. Play with this site and graph stuff for practice.
5. Phet Simulations Online
science simulations. Teacher have put up the work sheets they use. It
can be overwhelming to find a work sheet you want. Many of the
simulations are really good. Show the simulation whole class and give
kids the chance to play around with it.
6. Chemistry Lesson Plans These
are middle school lessons but maybe you can use them for high school.
They are very simple but fun and use everyday items. has great resources too.
7. NGSS Cross cutting concepts: Bozeman videos
are awesome for teaching teachers about NGSS. There are 7 cross cutting
concepts. Last year, I made 7 groups and each researched and did a poster and
presentation on one crosscutting concept. I had students watch the
Bozeman video for their concept and check out this site: http://crosscutsymbols.weebly. com/
I will post more about the Cross Cutting Concepts project in the upcoming days. Some
students made a Prezi or Google Slide Show. (Prezi, Google Slides, and
Powtoons are great resources for students or teacher presentations).
Hope things are going GREAT!
Ginny "Proton" Priest
Be like a proton, stay positive!